Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Enchroma 3x showed me that rose gold was pink!

Enchroma improved their color vision glasses, and now I know why people say my rose gold MacBook Air is pink! 

The entire red-green spectrum had been suppressed for me before. Blue and yellow had been my favorite colors because they were the brightest, and in mixtures they overwhelmed red and green. I thought I was getting slight color vision improvements with the old Enchroma glasses five years ago, but the new ones make it obvious.

There seems to be a way of stimulating my brain into being able to better process the new colors. For green, it involves a lot of staring up into trees under the midday sunshine. As I get to know green, I form emotional associations with it: the strange but beautiful color of plants, whose quiet way of life is friendly to a warm-blooded creature like me.

More color vision posts to follow.